Wednesday 14 August 2013

Online Financial Frauds training to CAs in Gujarat

Training to CA’s and Accounts has been conducted by TAC Security Solutions (Ludhiana). Topic of training was financial frauds of clients. So the students can make project report exactly, how the internet financial frauds happened, how to trace the frauds, types of finicail frauds. Where issues has been discussed at the time of training by Speaker Mr.Trishneet Arora, CTO, TAC Security Solutions. (Ludhiana). Training Session was conducted at CA firm in Gujarat State.


Contact: TAC Security Solutions for more details
Ph. 0091 80 5461 0100

Ethical training to world’s largest refinery - Reliance

TAC trained world’s largest refinery-Reliance
We proudly trained world’s largest refinery-Reliance (Reliance Industries Limited)

Training to World’s Largest Refinery-Reliance by TAC
This training was conducted by Reliance Industries Limited at Jamnagar,Gujarat, Our Chief Technical Officer, Mr.Trishneet Arora (Ethical Hacker) was the speaker cum trainer. In this training sessions IT, Accounts, Audit, Excise and many other departments of Reliance Industries Limited were the participants.                                  

Contact: TAC Security Solutions for more details
Ph. 0091 80 5461 0100