Tuesday 3 January 2012

White Hat

  White Hat
whitehat White Hat vs Grey Hat vs Black Hat

A White Hat internet marketer or SEO (search engine optimizer) only uses legal and company sanctioned techniques to move a site or pages rankings up the pages in the top search engines or to gain traffic.  That means that a white hat SEO will only use link building techniques that meet all the criteria of everyone involved, the site the link is being made on, all the search engines, etc.  A true white hat internet marketing affiliate will play 100% by the rules.
If you go White Hat that means:
  • No paid links – against the Google TOS
  • No forum or comment junk posts for links – against most sites TOS
  • No sneaky redirects
  • No hidden terms and conditions
  • Nothing illegal – false claims of earnings, etc.
Note that the vast majority of larger SEO and marketing companies wear the White Hat.  They don’t want to risk their business getting banned from anywhere.

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